Dear Parents and Carers,
COVID-19 Health and Safety
Can all families please ensure children are not in the school grounds before their allocated time for entry to the school building, unless they are accompanying a sibling with a different start time.
Please continue to follow the guidance to support us in keeping our school open and reduce the spread of COVID-19.
Guidance for St. Luke’s RC Primary:
-Only one adult to drop off/collect children
-Only attend the school grounds at the allocated drop/off collection time. This includes pupils in the upper stages who are walking themselves to school.
-All households are to remain socially distanced in the playground.
-All adults are to wear a face covering when in the school grounds, unless exempt.
-All communication with the school is to be via telephone, email, etc. Please do not approach the staff in the playground.
-If any member of your household presents with any COVID symptoms – cough, temperature, loss/change in taste or smell, do not send your child to school. Book a test for the symptomatic household member as per government guidelines and keep us informed of the result.
Our priority continues to be the health and safety of the children, families and staff of St. Luke’s RC Primary.
Many thanks,
Mrs. K. Hadden
(Acting) Head Teacher