Author Archives: lkadmin

Walk to School Week

Primary Seven have been taking part in walk to school week in conjunction with Road Safety Week.


Each day there was a different theme to raise awareness.


On Monday it was wear a hat walking to school

On Tuesday it was wear odd socks walking to school



On Wednesday it was wear you wellington boots to school


And on Thursday the children walked to school with crazy hair



Primary Seven also won walk to school winners on both Tuesday and Wednesday this week!



Keep your eyes peeled for Friday’s walk to school theme!

P3 learning how to look after pets.

Today, P3 had a visit from Rachel who works for the Dogs Trust. She came into school to help teach us how to look after a dog as a pet.

Many of the things you have to do to look after a dog are the same things as you have to do to look after yourself. You need to keep them clean, feed them healthy food (but not too much!), let them have plenty of water and have enough exercise.

The children also learnt how to groom and pick up mess a dog has made. Don’t worry, it was plastic mess…

Mr Tilmouth



P1 Lollipop Visit!

As part of Road Safety Week, Primary 1 had a visit from the local lollipop lady today.  She helped us to remember the rules of crossing the road safely!  Have a look at our pictures below.